ISVHost Cloud Solution

Overview of ISVHost's Secure and Scalable Cloud Hosting Solution

ISVHost specializes in delivering secure and scalable cloud hosting solutions tailored for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), leveraging the robust capabilities of Microsoft Azure and GO-Global for virtual application delivery. Our turnkey solution is designed to meet the unique needs of ISVs seeking reliable infrastructure to host and manage their applications with confidence. Here’s how ISVHost ensures secure and scalable cloud hosting, while leveraging GO-Global’s virtual application delivery benefits:

Advanced Security Measures:

Data Encryption and Compliance: ISVHost implements industry-leading encryption protocols on Microsoft Azure to secure data both in transit and at rest. We strictly adhere to compliance standards relevant to your industry, ensuring comprehensive data protection and regulatory compliance. 

Network Security: Our infrastructure on Microsoft Azure is fortified with advanced firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and continuous monitoring, safeguarding against potential threats and unauthorized access.

Scalability and Flexibility:

Elastic Resources: ISVHost leverages Microsoft Azure’s scalable computing resources, allowing dynamic adjustments based on application demands. Whether handling peak traffic or planning for growth, our platform seamlessly scales to meet evolving business needs. 

Global Reach:
With data centers strategically located worldwide through Microsoft Azure, ISVHost ensures global reach and low-latency connectivity, delivering optimal performance for users across diverse geographical regions.

Managed Services and Support:

Expert Support: Our team of cloud specialists provides 24/7 support, managing infrastructure operations, maintenance, and updates. This enables ISVs to focus on innovation and core business activities without the burden of daily IT management. 

Managed Backups and Disaster Recovery:
ISVHost implements robust backup solutions and disaster recovery plans on Microsoft Azure, ensuring data resilience and business continuity in the face of unexpected disruptions.

Cost Efficiency and Predictability:

Transparent Pricing Models: ISVHost offers competitive, transparent pricing, eliminating hidden costs and providing predictable expenses for budget planning.

With flexible billing options, ISVs can efficiently scale operations based on actual usage, optimizing cost management and operational efficiency.

Performance Optimization:

High-Performance Infrastructure: Leveraging Microsoft Azure’s cutting-edge technology, ISVHost provides high-performance GO-Global infrastructure with optimized compute, storage, and networking capabilities.


ISVHost’s secure and scalable cloud hosting solution on Microsoft Azure empowers ISVs to deploy applications confidently, ensuring robust security, scalability, and operational efficiency. By leveraging our managed cloud services, ISVs can accelerate time-to-market, reduce IT overhead, and deliver exceptional customer experiences globally. 

For more information on how ISVHost can support your cloud hosting needs on Microsoft Azure, contact us today to schedule a consultation with our cloud experts.